The Programs

UNM is a place where cutting-edge research and creative endeavors flourish. As a very high research activity (R1) institution, UNM research injects millions of dollars into New Mexico’s economy, funds new advancements in health care, and augments teaching—giving students valuable hands-on training in state-of-the art laboratories.
As an academic institution, UNM is ranked nationally as a “Top Public School”, “Best Global University”, and “Best National University” and the highest ranked for each within New Mexico.
UNM Health Sciences Center is the state's largest integrated health care treatment, research and education organization. In 2022, U.S. News and World Report ranked the UNM School of Medicine 16th nationally in “2023 Best Medical Schools: Primary Care”, 5th in “Most Diverse Medical Schools” and 7th in “Best Family Medicine Programs”. UNM’s nursing-midwifery program ranks 11th nationally for “Best Midwifery Program” and UNM’s bachelor of science in nursing is also recognized as the 67th best in the nation, placing it in the top 10% of ranked BSN programs. UNM College of Pharmacy ranks 43rd nationally for “Best Pharmacy Schools”.
UNM School of Law has been ranked 8th in "Best Clinical Training Law Programs", in the top 5% nationally for this recognition. The photography program at UNM College of Fine Arts is ranked 8th in the nation for “Best Photography Schools” and ranks within the top 30% of “Best Art Schools” across the U.S.. The UNM School of Engineering has been designated within the top 100 "Best Engineering Schools", along with six top 100 national rankings for programs including Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering. At UNM College of Arts & Sciences13 programs rank in the top 100 in the nation—including Sociology, Biology, History and Earth Sciences.
Among the University's many outstanding research units are the Center for Advanced Research Computing, Comprehensive Cancer Center, COSMIAC, Center for High Technology Materials, Design Planning Assistance Center, Innovation Academy, Center for Quantum Information & Control, and the Mind Research Network—to name a few.