
Geology Museum
Northrop Hall (Earth & Planetary Sciences - #24)
Mon-Friday: 8:am-12noon & 1pm-4:30pm
Greenhouse Conservatory
Castetter Hall (Biology - #21)
Mon-Friday: 8am-4:30pm
The Harwood Museum of Art
238 Ledoux Street, Taos NM
Thurs-Friday: 11am-5pm
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
Anthropology Building (# 11)
Tues-Friday: 9am-4pm, Sat:10am-4pm
Reserved parking to west of building. Must obtain permit
Meteorite Museum
Northrup Hall (Earth & Planetary Sciences - #24)
Currently open on a limited basis. Please call 277-2747 or check website for current hours.
The Museum of Southwestern Biology
C.E.R.I.A. #83
Must have appointment
University Art Museum
Center for the Arts #62
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Masley Hall Art Gallery
Art Education Building - #68
Mon-Friday: 8am-noon & 1pm-5pm
Sommers Gallery
Art Building, Room 202 -#84
Mon-Friday: 8am-4:45pm
Tamarind Institute
2500 Central SE - #162
Mon-Friday: 9am-5pm
Tour- first Friday of the month: 1pm-3pm