Health Sciences
This page includes information on all of the Health Science degree programs available at the University of New Mexico. Additional online resources are provided to assist students in exploring major and career options.
Bachelor's Degree Programs:
- Dental Hygiene
- Emergency Medical Services
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing
- Population Health
College of Pharmacy:
HSC - Pre-Health Resource Guide
For additional information:
So, You Want to Go to Med School?
You can apply to med school and become a doctor with any major. What matters the most is completing the required courses for admission to med school.
It’s important to find a major and minor that will work with your interests and your goals for becoming a doctor. Med school requirements are grueling, and having other courses to take that align with your goals may help you stay on track. Depending on the kind of doctor you want to be, you may be interested in taking Psychology courses, or Family & Child Studies courses.
The most applicable majors for students interested in going to medical school are Biochemistry, Biology with a Chemistry minor, or Chemistry with a Biology minor. These major/minor combos ensure students take all required courses for medical school as part of their major requirements.
There are some majors that don’t align well with med school – those in the other health science programs have their own specific requirements and licenses. Therefore, advisorsdo not recommend majors in Nursing or Dental Hygiene for students looking to go to med school.
Many students looking to diversify their med-school application from the standard biology/chemistry may choose to major in Liberal Arts (Health Professions Concentration) or Population Health. Having a unique major, and a unique perspective will help you stand out during interviews for med school. These majors also give students the opportunity to take classes in different disciplines that may apply to their future healthcare career – but they aren’t the only ones. Exercise Science and Anthropology are also good options.
It’s highly recommended that students visit one of the Pre-Med Advisement Workshops held by the UNM School of Medicine. Register for a specific session by visiting their website or come to Drop-in Pre-Med Advisement at University College Advisement Center on the 1st Friday of the month during Fall & Spring semesters or virtually on the 3rd Friday of the month (year-round).
UNM has a dedicated pre-health professions advisor that you can contact to discuss your goals. Visit to find out about workshops and volunteer opportunities for getting involved and bulking up your med school application. Email to meet with the pre-health professions advisor and learn about your options.